Writer Dave Smith Delivers Workshop to Year Pupils 7 

1st February 23

On Tuesday 31st January, Year 7 pupils enjoyed a workshop run by feature writer, columnist and travel journalist Dave Smith.

The focus of the workshop was nonfiction writing and presentational skills, which the year group has been studying this half term.

The former stand-up comedian entertained the pupils with stories about his career in writing, which includes writing for television, radio, magazines and newspapers.

He gave pupils some useful tips about nonfiction writing, which they then practised. The second part of the workshop included advice with presentational skills—well done to the pupils who volunteered to perform their pieces in front of their peers!

Year 7 pupil Charlotte said: “I’ve learned that if you do things in the right way, you can write a funny or powerful speech about almost everything.”

“I have learnt to look confident when speaking,” James added, “even if I am not feeling confident.”

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