Black and white birds eye view of the school

Online Archive

We are excited to announce that we have undertaken a comprehensive archiving project to digitalise a wonderful collection of historic literature and artefacts dating back to the 1930s, when Dunottar School moved to the current High Trees site.

The full library of content can be found here, where you can search for specific items and browse images and artefacts.

Browse archive

If you are a former pupil or member of staff and have anything you would like to donate or lend to the archiving project, please get in touch with the team using this email address:

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Dunottar School
students roasting marshmallows on a fire
Year 7 2025 Open Morning

Year 7 Entry September 2025

Looking to join Dunottar in September 2025? Book on to our next Open Morning on 19th September.

Visit Us

To register your son or daughter, please click the button below:
