Inspection Reports

In May 2024, Dunottar was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) for a full inspection. ISI inspections involve inspectors observing lessons, conducting formal interviews with pupils and examining pupils’ work. Inspectors hold discussions with senior members of staff, observe extra curricular activities and attend registration sessions and assemblies. Parents and pupils receive pre-inspection questionnaires, the results of which are analysed by inspectors, and inspectors examine regulatory documentation. Watch the video below for a summary of the ISI findings.

The full report can be downloaded here.

Summary of Inspection Findings

  • Pupils are comfortable to be themselves, grow in self-esteem and approach their learning with confidence.
  • Pupils are inspired to discover and develop their talents and make the most of the opportunities before them.
  • Pupils flourish in their academic work from their individual starting points.
  • Everyone looks out for each other in this caring and nurturing school.
  • The leadership team are forward thinking, reflective and purposeful. There is a focus on a holistic approach with wellbeing at the forefront, which is embedded in their vision for the school. This has led to a whole school culture of care within the community.


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