Sixth Form Pupils Attend “Psychology of Serial Killers” Lecture

24th November 22

On Tuesday 22nd November, a group of Sixth Form Psychology students attended a lecture on the psychology of serial killers at Dorking Halls, to expand their understanding of the subject outside of the classroom. The speaker, Jennifer Rees, a forensics expert, used case studies as evidence, which were incredibly interesting yet, at the same time, chilling. The talk outlined the different types of serial killers, how they are classified, how abuse, childhood trauma and trauma to the brain can create a serial killer. Jennifer examined the behaviours exhibited by serial killers of different genders, the topic of racism and homophobia within policing and the media attention (white women syndrome) given to serial killer cases. She ended the talk by discussing mental disorders which can be linked to serial killing, including intermittent explosive disorder, where individuals have bursts of uncontrollable rage followed be extreme guilt, and folie à deux (an identical or similar mental disorder affecting two or more individuals). This lecture was really insightful and if Jennifer hosts another session, we would highly recommend attending.

Authors: Rebecca R and Tabby M

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