School holds ‘No Tech for Breck’ Day

7th February 18

On Tuesday, 6th February, Dunottar School in Reigate held a ‘No tech for Breck’ day, which involved taking a break from mobile devices and social media platforms for a day.
School holds ‘No Tech for Breck’ Day

The initiative, which included a parent information evening about internet safety, was part of a week of events designed to raise awareness of online safety.

The ‘No tech for Breck’ day was inspired by The Breck Foundation, a self-funding charity that raises awareness of playing safe whilst using the internet. 

Pupils at Dunottar were encouraged to engage with real life activities and relationships. In assembly, they were reminded of the difference between real life friends and the people they might meet online, who may not always be who they say they are.

Deputy Head Marc Broughton commented: “Not only is our ‘Virtually Safe @ Dunottar’ week really important for raising awareness of how our pupils can stay safe online, we also want pupils to reflect on how they use technology and how it can impact on them and the way they interact with their friends, family and the school community. Taking a break every now and then from technology is vital in the very busy world we live in.”

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